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  • Do you host Birthday Parties?
    Yes! We LOVE to celebrate birthdays at Art Stars! Parties are typically booked on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. The package is $240 for a 1.5-hour party for up to 10 children (including the birthday child). Additional guests may be added for $16/child, up to 16 children total. Everyone will complete a project (of your choice) to take home. The last 10-15 minutes of the party are reserved for cupcakes or whatever treat you’d like to bring - these can be set up in the waiting area during the party. Parents of younger guests may stay, but please note that the studio gets crowded in a hurry, so I encourage drop-off when possible. There is a non-refundable deposit of $50 due at the time of booking, with the remainder due the day of the party. Once booked, I’m happy to work with you to choose the perfect project for your child and their friends!
  • What is your payment/refund policy?
    Payment is due within 7 days of online registration to hold your spot for any class or workshop. If there is an issue, please just let me know and I am happy to work with you. If there has been no communication after 7 days, you will be removed from the class to make room for others. Refunds are given only if we are able to fill your spot. In some cases, a credit may be issued toward a future class. You may contact Kim directly to discuss your particular situation.
  • Do you offer open studio/walk-ins?
    At this time, we are not offering open studio time. I am happy to schedule a private family session or private party. There are also a variety of workshops offered throughout the year for those who are not able to commit to a full class session. These are listed in our "classes" section and will be promoted on social media when new workshops are added.
  • I'm in high school. Am I too old for Art Stars!?
    Not at all! If you are interested in taking a class but don't see one recommended for your age group, don't be shy - reach out and let me know! I will do my best to offer something for you! Also, remember that ages are "recommended," so if a class sounds interesting, maybe go for it! Most (if not all) of the projects and lessons offered are open-ended and can be adapted to any age/skill level.
  • I'm interested in bringing my scout troop. Is this something you offer?
    Yes! I am happy to host your scout troop in the studio! Please contact Kim directly for more information about creating an event.
  • What is your weather cancellation policy?
    Generally, we follow BCSD for weather cancellations, so if Bethlehem schools and/or afternoon activities are canceled, Art Stars classes will be canceled as well. Parents will be notified by email. An extra class will be added to the end of your session in the event of a snow day.
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